Under applicable data protection laws, including, but not limited to, the EU General Data Protection Regulations and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (collectively referred to as “GDPR”), and data privacy laws of other jurisdictions (collectively “Data Protection Regulations”), individuals have the right to request actions regarding their Personal Data.

This Data Subjects Request Form (DSRF) outlines your privacy rights based on your residence and interactions with us and provides instructions on how to exercise these rights.

Personal Details

IDT Products and Services used/purchased

Check all that apply. At least one box must be checked.

Boss Revolution

IDT Business Services

National Retail Solutions

Other services

What is your relationship with us?

Specific Requests

Outlined below are various rights you may exercise based on your residence. Certain actions, like deletion, correction, and opting out of emails, can be done without this form – for instance, by clicking "unsubscribe" in emails or updating your account directly. Please note that deleting account information will result in the loss of all associated data.


Representatives (if applicable)

Please Note - we may still need to contact the consumer where proof of authorization or identity are needed.
I hereby confirm that the foregoing information and statements are true and accurate. I confirm that I am the authorized representative and/or parent of the named consumer.

Confirmation by Consumer

I hereby confirm that the foregoing information and statements are true and accurate.

We aim to respond to your request within 30 days, with a possible 30-day extension if needed due to request complexity or volume. If we decline your request, we will notify you within 90 days with a justification. Processing is free, but a fee may apply for excessive or unfounded requests. Note that your rights depend on your jurisdiction, relevant Data Protection Law, our relationship, and legal rights to retain data. If we decline, we will notify you promptly with reasons for the decision.

Request sent

Request sent

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